Brochure PDF English
$43.2 월별
  • Need to get the prescriptions in network Pharmacy/SHC
  • Telehealth service via DialCare
  • Medical bill is charged to company directly in Network except your costs
  • Medical bill is charged to company directly in Network except your costs
  • Use the high-quality Aetna medical network covering the entire United States
  • Great valued plan against competitive price

A valid visa holder who is outside their Home Country and registered within a program that includes: Optional Practical Training (OPT), H1B work program, language programs/school or university, summer or winter camp, and students arriving in the United States prior to the start of the school/university session. Individuals must be a minimum of 17 years and a maximum of 45 years. The Insured Person on this Plan who is an Eligible Person as identified in the Schedule of Benefits, a Non-United States Citizen travelling outside their Home Country and travelling to the United States and has their true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment outside of the United States and holds a current and valid passport, and for whom proper Premium payment has been made when due.

질병/상해사고당 최대보상한도 $100,000
협약병의원내 공동보험 80%
비협약병의원 공동보험 60%
질병/상해사고당 공제액 $500
협약병의원내 본인최대지불한도액 Unlimited
응급실 자기부담금(입원시 면제) $350
학생건강센터 자기부담금 $5
입원시 자기부담금 $0
기왕증 면책기간 80% UCR-Up to $25,000 for emergency care and stabilization only
예방치료 N/A
긴급의료후송 80% URC-Up to $50,000
유해송환 80% URC-Up to $25,000